Thank you for joining us as we celebrate our son Ayal becoming bar mitzvah. Today, Ayal will lead Shacharit and the Torah service, chant this week’s Torah portion and haftarah, and give a drash sharing his learning and thoughts on the Torah portion. We are very proud of Ayal for all he has done to prepare for this day, and we’re honored that you’ve joined us for this milestone.
We are grateful to Ayal’s teachers at Yavneh Day School, to Doug Brook for teaching him to chant haftarah, to Rabbi Berkenwald for helping him prepare his drash, and to Joelle Pluemer for her invaluable support with all the logistics in preparation for this day. We are also grateful to the Yavneh and Sinai communities for all they have done to nurture Ayal’s growth as a Jew and to ensure that he always felt part of a community. Thank you also to all the family members who have traveled across the country to celebrate with us.
We invite you to join us for kiddush lunch after services. After lunch, we will have a minchah (afternoon) service led by Ayal and his friends. Everyone is welcome to stay for the remainder of Shabbat to play games and socialize. Seu’dah shlishit (third meal, light dinner) will follow games at 5:15pm. We will end Shabbat with ma’ariv and havdalah at 6:15pm.
Shabbat Shalom!
Eve and Efraim Feinstein
Bar Mitzvah of Ayal Feinstein: Saturday, February 1, 9:00 am - 7:00 pm. Efraim and Eve Feinstein invite you to join their family as they celebrate the bar mitzvah of their son, Ayal, at Congregation Sinai. Kiddush luncheon, hosted by the Feinstein family, will follow the service. After kiddush, the congregation is invited to stay for mincha and board games (feel free to bring games to play together), se’udah shlishit (light dinner), ma’ariv, and havdalah to end Shabbat. Please help the Feinsteins count their guests by RSVP-ing at
Please note that if you attend in-person, you may appear on-screen. The livestream view will be of the ark, the bima, the podium and the first two rows in the Sanctuary. Anyone whose preference is not to be included in the frame should sit a few rows back and not ascend the bimah.