With Covid in mind and vaccines unavailable to children, we have designed an interactive family program on Rosh Hashanah (1st day) and Yom Kippur afternoons that provides meaningful holiday experiences for you and your children. Most activities will take place outdoors in the Sinai courtyard. Families will participate in each 10-minute activity in groups of 1-2 households.
Pre-registration required.
Rosh Hashanah registration link
Yom Kippur registration link
Rosh Hashanah (Tuesday, September 7) highlights include Tashlikh with your family, time in front of the ark with Cantor Motti, and hearing the Shofar.
Yom Kippur (Thursday, September 16) highlights include the steps of teshuvah, Ashamnu/missing the mark basketball, and how to make a real apology (role-plays and stories).
Facemasks and social distancing are expected of all participants.