Hi, my name is Jayden Cohen and I am a 7th grader. I enjoy hanging out with friends, playing soccer, and traveling with my family. I am excited to have all my friends and family here to celebrate my Bat Mitzvah with me.
My parashah is Vaera, and it talks about Moses telling Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Moses has a speech impediment so his older brother, Aaron, goes with him to do the talking. Pharaoh says no multiple times and in this parshah we read about seven of the ten plagues God sends because of Pharaoh’s resistance.
I would like to thank Doug Brook for helping me with my Bat Mitzvah preparation. Thank you to Rabbi Berkenwald for helping me with my D’var Torah and Shacharit. In addition, I would like to thank Steve Dombro for helping me with Shacharit as well. I would like to thank my parents for helping me with anything I needed. Finally, I would like to thank my little sister for always being there for me.
Mike Cohen and Joy Yoskowitz Cohen invite you to join their family as they celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Jayden, at Congregation Sinai. Kiddush luncheon, hosted by Mike and Joy, will follow the service. Please join Jayden and her family for this wonderful simcha. All are encouraged to attend.
Shabbat morning services can be viewed at https://www.sinai-sj.org/live. No account or password is required.
Please note that if you attend in-person, you may appear on-screen. The livestream view will be of the ark, the bima, the podium and the first two rows in the Sanctuary. Anyone whose preference is not to be included in the frame should sit a few rows back and not ascend the bimah.