Limmud La-ad presents An Israeli Reservist's View from the Lebanon Border: Sunday, June 9, 10 am-11:15 am on ZOOM. On the morning of October 7, Denis, an employee at a Tel Aviv based tech company, got a call to immediately report to the Lebanon border, due to the threat of a multi-front attack. Hear about Denis' experiences during his four months protecting Israel's north. Ted Marks will moderate. The Zoom meeting ID and password will be provided in an email to Sinai members. All are welcome. If you are not a member of Congregation Sinai, please scroll down to fill the form below to receive Zoom information.
About the speaker: Denis, 38, resides in the Haifa area of northern Israel, after moving there from Ukraine in 1991. He is married with one child. Denis earned a bachelor's degree in industry and management from the Technion. He has been working at Applitools for the past six years in various roles, including overseeing information security. Denis joined the army in 2007, serving in the artillery corps as a drill sergeant, class commander, and platoon sergeant during his regular service. Since then, he has continued to serve as a cannon commander and ammunition carrier in the reserves.