Join members of the CJLS (Committee on Jewish Law and Standards) as they take us through four teshuvot (responsa) that have recently been passed by the law committee.
1/26: Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin and Rabbi Avram Israel Reisner on Sustainability
2/2: Rabbi Micah Peltz on Vaccination
2/9: Rabbi Pamela Barmash on Birkat Hamazon
2/16: Rabbi Jeremy Kalmanofsky on the Abbreviated Amidah
Free registration for all Sinai congregants with coupon code (case sensitive): SanJoseJan21
Please make sure that you register for every session that you plan to attend. On the morning of each session, CJLS and Ziegler will send out the Zoom link to all those who registered. The deadline to register for a given session is 11 AM ET on the morning of the session.
Come for the classes. Stay for the follow-up discussion with Rabbi Berkenwald.
Please note that there is a separate login for the Zoom discussion. Meeting ID: 496 367 030