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Silicon Valley Introduction to Judaism

Intro to Judaism Class

This course will present an overview of major aspects of Judaism, including practice, belief, and history. Students will be exposed to Jewish thought and practice through lectures, class discussions, and give participants "real-world" Jewish experiences.

This Introduction to Judaism class is being taught on a rotating basis by Rabbis from Congregation Sinai, Congregation Beth David, Congregation Shir Hadash and Temple Emanu-El and APJCC in order for participants to gain exposure to a variety of approaches to Judaism.  

Open to Jews and non-Jews, those seeking to convert to Judaism, as well as those who are interested in learning more.

Class will begin at 7:00 pm with a 30 minute Introduction to Hebrew class, taught by Mike Maiten, followed by a 90 minute class on that week’s topics.  

To register and to see each week’s topic, click here.